We often think of “immunity” as something inherent. People will say, “I have a strong immune system.” Or, “I am always getting sick.” This kind of thinking treats Immunity as some sort of fixed, static reality, when in fact, nutrition/herbs/self-help acupressure/energetic practices/and exercise all play a part in how prepared, or unprepared our immune systems are for external pathogens and climatic shifts.
Learn about how the Lungs/Large Intestine are related to Fall/Autumn, and how important feeding these organs literally and energetically/emotionally is to our defensive energies.
Learn about the role the Kidneys play in the overall ability of the body to have sufficient energy to create this defensive energy that protects us from pathogenic invasions.
Learn herbs and energetic practices and self-help acupressure points that will all boost the overall health of what is the Immunity Matrix.