5:00 PM17:00

Herbal Astrology - the Moon, the Planets, and the Plants

All of our ancestors, if we go back far enough, knew how to work with the Moon and it's many phases to best work with the Plant world.

They knew how to work with the Sun, the planets, the stars in the sky.

Knew when it was best to plant, best to gather, best to make medicine, and best to let the plants just be. 

Back in 2000 I traveled out to Eugene, Oregon to study plants with Gina McGarry who had founded Brigid's Academy of the Healing Arts.

Part of that study was sharing what she had learned from her Grandmother who had been the village herbalist in Kildare, Ireland.

And I have found the wisdom she shared to be of real use in my herbal practice, and in my gardening.

On the New Moon in February, Thursday the 27th, I will be teaching an online/Zoom class in herbal astrology from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Learn herbal astrology from a Celtic Cultural perspective. 

Learn about how to work with the phases of the moon to be more effective in understanding the plant world, and also learn about how the Plants themselves have personalities, natures, that are also influenced by the cosmos.

You can sign up for the class by following the Book Your Appointment button at the bottom of this email.

In health,

Root to Bloom Wellness
612 245-9834

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5:00 PM17:00

Herbal Astrology from a Celtic Cultural Perpective

What does “Herbal Astrology form a Celtic Cultural Perspective” even mean?

In my case, it means that the Woman I studied Herbalism with, Gina McGarry, at Brighid’s Academy of the Healing Arts out in Eugene, Oregon, back in 2002, had learned much of her extensive plant wisdom from her Grandmother who had been a “village herbalist” in Kildare, Ireland.

And she taught her Herbalism from a Celtic Cultural Perspective.

Which, while there are many “shared truths” in an emergent Planetary Herbalism, Celtic Herbal Astrology has its own traditions that make it distinct from Chinese, or Indian, or African, or Native American herbal astrology.

Including how our Celtic Ancestors followed the Moon before they followed the Sun. How they used the phases of the Moon and the relationships of how the Constellations move through the lunar cycle to guide them in how to plant, weed, harvest, and make medicine.

What does a full moon in Scorpio or Cancer have to do with harvesting roots?

Why is it good to make oils when the Moon is in Aries?

What are times of the month when it’s best to weed in the garden?

How does the moon impact seed germination rates?

How does working with a particular plant when the Moon is in the phase influenced by the Constellation or the Planet that rules that plant impact the medicine that is made?

Learn these things and much more in an interactive Zoom workshop on Wednesday, December 7th.

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2:00 PM14:00

Full Moon Lung Support Herbal Syrup Making Workshop

Join us for a Full Moon Lung Support Herbal Syrup Making Workshop on Saturday, September 10th.

We will harvest Elecampagne Root, and Thyme herb, and add in some additional previously harvested herbs that are renowned for being excellent lung allies.

We will make an Herbal Syrup that can be taken as a daily tonic during Cold/Flu season as a preventative from pathogenic invasion and as a tonic to strengthen the lungs.

Participants will take home a pint jar of herbal syrup, and the experience necessary to make their own herbal syrup in the future.

Cost of materials included in the cost of the workshop.

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Plant Walk and Spring Tonic Making Workshop 6/5
3:00 PM15:00

Plant Walk and Spring Tonic Making Workshop 6/5

Last Saturday I led the first Plant walk and Medicine Making Workshop of 2022.

We got acquainted with approximately 25 plant friends who have emerged from the thawing ground around Holland Lake in the Lebanon Hills Regional Park. 

We then decided which Plant allies to ethically and thankfully wild-craft that best resonated with our particular and current health needs.

Everywhere we stopped, there was a literal medicine chest of emergent plants.

Each offering up their unique healing skills. 

So many of them good for moving stagnant lymph, and stimulating the bile and digestive juices which is so helpful to the Liver and Gallbladder.

Exactly what our body needs to carry out its internal Spring Cleaning.

I am offering this Workshop again

(in part because several people who wanted to couldn't attend the last one)


Sunday, June 5th, from 3-5 pm.


🌿 In this Workshop you will learn to identify plants of early Spring and their medicinal properties.  You will learn about their actions, what Planets rule them, and many of their metaphysical properties from a Celtic cultural perspective. 


🌿 You will work with me to choose the Plants that best align with supporting your health needs to make your own Apple Cider Vinegar based Spring Tonic.


🌿 Supplies to make this Spring Tonic will be provided and included in the cost of the Workshop.


🌿 I look forward to seeing you out in the beauty of Lebanon Hills!

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Spring Plant Walk and Medicine Making Workshop
2:30 PM14:30

Spring Plant Walk and Medicine Making Workshop

  • Holland Lake, Lebanon Hills Regional Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The chickweed, nettles, yellow rocket cress, garlic mustard, and cleavers are all emerging again after their long winter’s sleep. Learn to identify the plants of Spring. Learn about the many health benefits they offer. Wildcraft and make an apple cider vinegar based, “Spring Tonic.” The cost of supplies are included in the cost of the workshop.

Due to inclement weather, the Workshop has been moved to the much drier, and warmer date of Saturday, May 7th at 2:30 pm Same location! Still time to sign up.

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Spring Plant Walk + Medicine Making Workshop
2:30 PM14:30

Spring Plant Walk + Medicine Making Workshop

I will be leading a Spring Plant Walk and Medicine Making Workshop

In this Workshop you will learn to identify the plants of early Spring and their medicinal properties. You will choose the Plants to work with to make your own Apple Cider Vinegar based Spring Tonic.

Supplies to make this Spring Tonic will be provided and included in the cost of the Workshop.

Register by March 21, and get 10% off your Workshop registration when you use promo code:


Saturday, April 16th, from 2:30 pm - 5 pm
at Holland Lake
in the Lebanon Hills Park System.

I look forward to seeing you out in the beauty of Lebanon Hills this spring!

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2:00 PM14:00

Herbal and Acupressure protocols to reduce Inflammation in the Body

Inflammation can cause pain, swelling, redness, heat, and loss of function in the body.

Chronic patterns of inflammation are at the root of many disease patterns in the body.

The last several decades have seen the rise of many auto-immune diseases as well as viruses that produce chronic inflammation in the Body.

Join owner of Root to Bloom Wellness, David Miller, for a hour Zoom workshop which

will give you an overall understanding of how inflammation functions in the body,

and how to learn to work with herbal allies, nutrition, and acupressure in order to disrupt inflammatory cycles and return the body to a more balanced state of health.

Learn acupressure points and herbal allies to help reduce inflammation in all the major organ systems of the body.

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2:00 PM14:00

Uisce - Water, Winter, and the Foundation of Health in the Body

Uisce (ish-ka) is how you say Water in Gaelic. Traditionally the Celts associate Water with the West. In the body the kidneys and bladder govern water. Winter is the season most associated with the Kidneys and Bladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Kidneys and Bladder are considered the foundation of health in the body, all other organs deriving their overall energy from the condition of these small, bean shaped organs. This 90 minute workshop will focus in on acupressure points/nutrition/and herbs to help support the kidneys during their season from both a TCM and a Celtic perspective.

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3:00 PM15:00

The Calm Center Zoom Workshop: Acupressure, herbs, and energetic practices for Nervous System Regulation

The holidays are often a time of increased anxiety and emotional dysregulation.

The Calm Center is a Zoom workshop to give participants the tools to better self-regulate the nervous system.

Learn breathing techniques to calm the nervous system.

Learn about the role gut health plays in the production of neurotransmitters, including 95% of Serotonin in the body.

Learn self-help acupressure, and an acupressure flow that helps to calm the body, bring the rising energy of anxiety down, and to lower the blood pressure that often accompanies anxiety.

Learn about herbal allies, and aromatherapy that help us return to the calm center.

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3:00 PM15:00

The Immunity Matrix Zoom Workshop: Acupressure/Herbs/Nutrition for a strong immune system

We often think of “immunity” as something inherent. People will say, “I have a strong immune system.” Or, “I am always getting sick.” This kind of thinking treats Immunity as some sort of fixed, static reality, when in fact, nutrition/herbs/self-help acupressure/energetic practices/and exercise all play a part in how prepared, or unprepared our immune systems are for external pathogens and climatic shifts.

Learn about how the Lungs/Large Intestine are related to Fall/Autumn, and how important feeding these organs literally and energetically/emotionally is to our defensive energies.

Learn about the role the Kidneys play in the overall ability of the body to have sufficient energy to create this defensive energy that protects us from pathogenic invasions.

Learn herbs and energetic practices and self-help acupressure points that will all boost the overall health of what is the Immunity Matrix.

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3:00 PM15:00

Plants and the Planets - A Celtic Perspective on Herbal Astrology Zoom Workshop

Plants, like People, have personalities. No two rose bushes are quite the same. No two dandelions grow in exactly the same way. They are influence by many things: soil pH; what is growing around them; whether it’s a wet year, or a dry year. They are also influenced by the Planets, by the spin of things. Over many, many millennia, our ancestors developed relationships with the Plants through using them as foods/medicines/natural dyes/protection. This workshop: “Planets and the Plants - A Celtic Perspective on Herbal Astrology” will be an introduction to a lineage that was passed on to me by one of my teachers, Gina McGarry, at her school, Brighid’s Academy of the Healing Arts. What Plants are considered Plants of Aries, and what does that nature tell us about how best to work with them?

TO REGISTER & LEARN MORE This is an online/Zoom workshop.

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3:00 PM15:00


Learn to identify many of the plants of the Prairie ecosystem.

Learn about their medicinal and nutritional values.

Deepen your relationship with the land around you.

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